2023 Reorg Positions and Duties
Larimer County Democrats
Convene and preside at all County Central and Executive Committee meetings.
Lead the development of the vision and goals of the Larimer County Democrats.
Encourage volunteer engagement in Larimer County elections.
Work with other officers in planning fundraising, events, and campaigns.
Convene Caucuses and County Assemblies. Supervise Credentials and Permanent Organization committees.
Convene and preside at any Larimer County Vacancy Committee meetings
Convene and preside at Reorganization meetings.
Assist in identifying and developing good candidates for elected office. Govern and guide the nominating process. Support Democratic nominees and assist in all Larimer County campaigns.
Liaison for all elected officials, candidates and Colorado Democratic Party officers.
Automatic member of almost all Central Committees and State Executive Committee.
Support the Chair.
Take minutes at meetings, specifically recording any actions or decisions taken at the meeting.
Assist in developing and distributing meeting agendas.
Assist with filling out paperwork related to Reorganization, Assemblies, Caucuses, and Vacancies.
Keep records of meetings for the County Party.
Other duties and obligations determined by skill set, other board members and guidance from Chair.
Support Democratic nominees and assist in all Larimer County campaigns.
1st Vice Chair
Support the Chair.
Handle duties of the Chair when the Chair is unavailable.
Help to set the vision and goals for the County Party.
Other duties and obligations determined by skill set, other board members and guidance from Chair.
Support Democratic nominees and assist in all Larimer County campaigns.
Automatic member of almost all Central Committees and State Executive Committee.
2nd Vice Chair
Support the Chair.
Handle duties of the Chair when the Chair is unavailable.
Help to set the vision and goals for the County Party.
Other duties and obligations determined by skill set, other board members and guidance from Chair.
Support Democratic nominees and assist in all Larimer County campaigns.
Support the Chair.
Keep all financial records for the County Party. Follow standard bookkeeping practices including balancing and reconciling bank accounts.
Signer on bank accounts.
Registered filing agent with the Secretary of State.
Responsible for filing all Tracer (campaign finance reports) by their deadlines.
Ensure all funds received have all information required by state law and know what funds can and cannot be accepted.
Monitor funds and lead/assist with fundraising. Help with fundraising events.
Other duties and obligations determined by skill set, other board members and guidance from Chair.
Support Democratic nominees and assist in all Larimer County campaigns.
Additional Positions
Senate District Positions
Each Senate District has a Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary.
Their responsibilities are: ​
Run Senate District Reorganizations, Senate District Assemblies, and Senate District Vacancy Committees.
Assist in identifying and developing good candidates.
Oversee the Nominating process and help develop winning campaigns.
Support Democratic nominees and assist in all Larimer County campaigns.
Note: Multi-County Districts elect only Central Committee members at County Reorganization meetings.
Judicial District Positions
Each Judicial District has a Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary. Their responsibilities are:
Run Judicial District Reorganizations, Judicial District Assemblies, and Judicial District Vacancy Committees.
Assist in identifying and developing good candidates.
Oversee the nominating process and help develop winning campaigns.
Support Democratic nominees and assist in all Larimer County campaigns.
Note: Multi-County Districts elect only Central Committee members at County Reorganization meetings.
Bonus Members for State Central Committee
Larimer County elects 26 members for the State Central Committee.
Their responsibilities are:
Voting in State Central Committee Meetings to nominate statewide candidates.
Voting in State Central Committee Reorganization meetings to elect statewide party officers.
Consideration and approval for new initiatives of the Colorado Democratic Party.
Consideration and approval for rules of the Colorado Democratic Party.
Consideration of formal proposed policies that govern the Colorado Democratic Party.
Consideration and approval for delegate selection plans in Presidential election years.
Other decisions that require a vote of the governing body of the Colorado Democratic Party.
House District Positions
Each House District has a Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary.
Their responsibilities are:
Run House District Reorganizations, House District Assemblies, and House District Vacancy Committees.
Assist in identifying and developing good candidates.
Oversee the nominating process and help develop winning campaigns.
Recruit and organize Precinct Organizers.
Primary point of contact with Precinct Organizers.
Support Democratic nominees and assist in all Larimer County campaigns.
Note: Multi-County Districts elect only Central Committee members at County Reorganization meetings.
Bonus Members for State Executive Committee
Larimer County elects 11 members for the State Executive Committee.
Their responsibilities are:
Oversee and approve the budget for the Colorado Democratic Party.
Ratify the Executive Director of the Colorado Democratic Party.
Help with outreach and fundraising for the Colorado Democratic Party.
Bonus Members for Congressional District 2 Central Committee
Larimer County elects 26 members for the Congressional District 2 (CD2) Central Committee.
Their responsibilities are:
Voting in CD2 Central Committee meetings to nominate our congressional candidate.
Voting in State Central Committee Reorganization meetings to elect Congressional District officers.